Visibility Fix

Terms of Use


Us. Welcomes and invites you to access and use our website, including, without limitation, and

its subfolders, as well as (the “Website”).  When we say Visibility Fix, we

mean any and all companies affiliated with Visibility Fix products and services


You. “You” may be a visitor/user of the website, a user of the Services, or both.


Website. By accessing, browsing, and using the Website, you signify that you have read,

understood, and agree to be legally bound by everything in these Terms of Use, our Privacy

Policy and our Earnings Disclaimer. These Terms of Use may change from time to time

without notice to you. You may not use the Website if you do not agree to these Terms of

Use and our Privacy Policy. In addition, you will also be subject to our guidelines, terms,

conditions and agreements applicable to any future Visibility Fix services that you use. 


Services. Visibility Fix provides digital marketing and educational services (including, but not

limited to, Search Engine Optimisation, Paid Traffic advertising, Conversion Rate

Optimisation, general marketing advice), and such other services that are consistent with

the delivery of our business objectives. You can find a description of our services on our

Website under Services on the navigation menu. 


Intended Purpose. The Website is designed to facilitate access to our Services, provide

general information on the subject of digital marketing, as well as to provide you with

resources intended to complement the provided information (“Intended Purpose”).


Restrictions. The Website and Services are only available to individuals aged 16 years or

older. If you are 16 or older, but under the age of majority in your jurisdiction, you should

review these Terms of Use with your parent or guardian to make sure that you and your

parent or guardian understand and agree to these Terms.


Accuracy of Content. Visibility Fix strives to ensure that the content on this website is

accurate and up-to-date, but does not represent or guarantee that the content on this

website or on any linked website is accurate, reliable, current, complete, suitable or

available. You should independently evaluate and verify the accuracy, reliability, currency

and completeness of any information, and its suitability for your circumstances, before you

rely on it.


Advice. The information given to you through this Website or via our Services does not

constitute professional legal, accounting, investment, tax, real estate, medical,

psychological, financial or other professional advice and is general in nature. It is not tailored

to you and does not take into account your specific circumstances nor does it verify the

truthfulness and accuracy of what you tell us about yourself and your business, and it

should not be acted upon without full understanding of your current situation and future

goals and objectives. You are responsible for making the determination as to whether the

information given to you by us is suitable to your needs. We don’t guarantee results or offer

legal advice, nor are we responsible for compliance in your industry. Visibility Fix accepts no +62 441 5525 3000 menu liability for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of this website, the Services, or reliance on the content of the Website or Services. Please also review our Earnings Disclaimer.


Viruses and Website Availability. You access this website at your own risk. Visibility Fix

strives to keep this website available and functioning properly. However, it is possible that

your ability to access this website may be interrupted or delayed, or that your device

becomes exposed to viruses, malware, interception or other interference. Visibility Fix

recommends that you use up-to-date antivirus and security software that is appropriate for

your device, to ensure that communications between it and this website does not expose it

to any damaging interference. Visibility Fix does not accept responsibility for any interference or loss to your device which arises in relation to your use of this website or any linked website.


Lawful and Permissible Use of Websites. You are responsible for ensuring that your access

to and use of this website is lawful and does not infringe any intellectual property rights. You

must not take any action that could damage, overburden or interfere with this website, or

any other person’s use of this website. You must not use any data mining, robots or other

tools to automatically and/or systematically collect data from or in relation to this website.

You must not use this website to obtain any information about other users of this website, or

to transmit malware through this website. Visibility Fix does not accept responsibility for any unauthorized access, use or other actions. All rights are reserved in full in relation to

unlawful or unauthorized access or use.


Links to Other Websites. This website contains links to other websites. Visibility Fix does not

control these other websites and is not responsible for their content. The links do not

constitute approval of the content on those websites, or any related organization, person,

product, service or application. Visibility Fix cannot guarantee that these links will always

work and cannot control whether the other websites are available. Visibility Fix does not

represent that content on any other websites is reliable or free from malware, defects or

infringements of intellectual property rights. Visibility Fix does not authorize any infringement of intellectual property rights by providing these links.


Intellectual Property. The content contained on this Website and on the third party

platforms authorized to host our Website (“Content”) such as logos, artwork, text and

graphics, widgets, icons, images, audio and video clips, digital downloads, data

complications, and software, is the property of Visibility Fix, or the property of our licensors or

licensees, and the compilation of the Content on the Website (including authorized third

party platforms hosting the Content) is the exclusive property of Visibility Fix, and is

protected by Bangladesh international copyright laws, treaties, and conventions. All

software and code used on the Website is the property of Visibility Fix, or the property of our

suppliers and is protected by applicable copyright laws, treaties, and conventions.

Any and all logos, service marks, page headers, graphics, trademarks, service marks,

widgets, icons, scripts and trade names (each considered a “Mark”) contained on the

Websites are proprietary to Visibility Fix, or Visibility Fix’s licensors or licensees. Visibility Fix does not grant permission to any entity or individual to use any of the Marks in connection with

any product or service that does not belong to Visibility Fix in any manner that is likely to

cause confusion or ambiguity among users or that disparages or discredits Visibility Fix or any other entity or individual. Any Marks not owned by Visibility Fix that appear on the Website are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with,

connected to, or sponsored by Visibility Fix.


You may print and download parts of the content on this website for your own personal and

non-commercial use, provided that you do not change or remove the copyright notices.


If you wish to link to this website, please ask us using the contact information below.

Visibility Fix has obtained permission from copyright holders (where known) to use third party

content. If you believe that any content on this website infringes your copyright or anyone

else’s copyright, please contact us using the contact information below. Any content that

you post on, or send to, this website (including but not limited to suggestions) will not be

treated as confidential or proprietary. You grant Visibility Fix a non-revocable, perpetual,

worldwide, transferable, royalty-free, non-exclusive right to use this content for any



Changes to Terms. From time to time, these Terms, or any part thereof, may be modified by

  1. This may include addition or deletion of some terms at any time. These modifications will

be published here and will be effective immediately at the time of posting. These

modifications will be done without notification to you. Your use of the Website and the

Services after such posting shall be considered acceptance by you of any and all

modifications, additions or deletions made to the Terms.


Changes to Website and Termination. We may change or discontinue any aspect, service

or feature of the Website at any time, including, but not limited to, content, availability, and

equipment needed for access or use without notice to you. Further, we reserve the right, at

our sole discretion, to restrict, suspend, or terminate these Terms and your access to all or

any part of our Website or Services at any time and for any reason without any prior notice

to you and without liability.


Compliance with Applicable Laws. The Website and Services are based in Bangladesh. We

make no claims concerning whether the Website, Services, and components related to the

Services may be downloaded, viewed, or be appropriate for use outside of Bangladesh. If you

access the Websites or Services from outside Bangladesh, you agree that you do so at your

own risk. Regardless of your location, you agree that you are solely responsible for ensuring

compliance with all applicable laws within your specific jurisdiction. The laws of Bangladesh,

apply to these terms, and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the

courts of Bangladesh.


Feedback and Submissions. Unless expressly stated otherwise herein, any information

submitted by you through this Website shall be deemed non-confidential and nonproprietary. You represent that you have the lawful right to submit such information and

agree that you will not submit any information unless you are legally entitled to do so and

always in a manner that could not damage our business interests or reputation (including

that you will not submit any information to defame or disparage us, or to harass, bully or

unlawfully discriminate against staff or third parties; or to make false or misleading



You hereby assign and grant to us a worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable,

royalty-free, transferable, sublicensable right, title and interest to use and incorporate into

the Website (or for any other use) any suggestion, enhancement request, recommendation,

correction or other feedback provided by you relating to the Website. We will not be

obligated to credit you for such feedback or hold any such feedback in confidence.

Any ideas disclosed to us outside of a pre-existing and documented confidential business

relationship are not confidential and we may therefore develop, use and freely disclose or

publish similar ideas without compensating you or attributing to you. By submitting an idea

or other detailed submission to us through this Website, you agree to be bound by these



Registration. You may be given the opportunity to register via an online registration form to

book in a consultation (“Strategy Session”) with us, or to download an informational report

(“Free Report”) from Us. We will use your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


By registering you represent and warrant that all information that you provide is current,

complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge. You are responsible for obtaining and

maintaining all connectivity, computer software, hardware and other equipment needed for

access to and use of the Website and all charges related to the same.


Strategy Sessions and Free Reports. By booking in a Strategy Session with us, or by

downloading a Free Report from us, you are reinforcing that you have read, understood, and

agree to these Terms of Use. We will use your information in accordance with the Intended

Purpose and our Privacy Policy. By booking in for a Strategy Session or downloading a Free

Report, you represent and warrant that all information that you provide is current, complete

and accurate to the best of your knowledge. You are responsible for obtaining and

maintaining all connectivity, computer software, hardware and other equipment needed for

access to the Session and all charges related to the same.




Performance Guarantee(s) which are outlined in the applicable Terms and Conditions when

you hire us, you accept, agree, and understand that you are fully responsible for

management of your business and sales process. Visibility Fix does not offer any

representations, warranties, or guarantees verbally or in writing in regards to your earnings,

business profit, marketing performance, audience growth, or results of any kind. You are

solely responsible for your own actions and results in both life and business, which are

dependent on factors that are personal to you, including (but not limited to), your skill,

knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and personal financial situation.

You accept, agree, and understand that any testimonials or endorsements provided by Visibility Fix’s customers or audience that are represented through our Services, Websites,

marketing materials, advertisements, or any of our communication channels have not been

scientifically evaluated by us and the results experienced by individuals may vary

significantly. Any statements outlined on our Services, Websites, marketing materials,

advertisements, or any of our communication channels are opinions only and therefore are

not guarantees or promises of actual performance. 


Disclaimer. This Website and its contents are provided “AS IS” and we make no

representation or warranty of any kind with respect to this Website or any site or service

accessible through this Website. We expressly disclaim all express and implied warranties

including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular

purpose, title, and non-infringement. In no event will we or our respective our directors,

employees, consultants, shareholders, agents and other representatives be liable to any

party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, consequential, or other damages

(including, but not limited to, lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or data)

without regard to the form of action and whether in contract, tort, negligence, strict liability,

or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with this Website, any content on or accessed

through this Website or any service linked to, or any copying, displaying, or use thereof. The

limitations herein will apply even if a remedy fails of its essential purpose. This provision is

not intended to exclude liability that we may not exclude under applicable law.

Notwithstanding the Quantum Growth by Visibility Fix Terms of Use, Terms of Purchase

and Refund, and Privacy Policy, these Terms of Use, and our Privacy Policy do not

supersede any existing guidelines, terms, conditions and agreements specific to existing

services offered by Visibility Fix Corporation Pty Ltd or The Trustee for Visibility Fix Trust for

existing services already governed by our standard Terms and Conditions, including Search

Engine Optimisation (SEO), Facebook Services, Google Ads Services (also known as Google

AdWords Service), Design Services, Remarketing Services, and Website Hosting Service.

When we refer to Quantum Growth by Visibility Fix, we are specifically referring to the

products and services affiliated with the Quantum Growth by Visibility Fix offering, some of

which may be hosted on authorized third party platforms. 



Indemnity. You unconditionally and irrevocably indemnify, hold us indemnified and keep us,

our directors, employees, consultants, shareholders, agents and other representatives

harmless against any and all action, claim, demand, loss, liability or cost (including legal cost

on a solicitor and client basis), whether arising under contract, tort or a statute (including by

a third party) that arises, or results from, or is in any way connected with the Website and

Services, including the sale of any product or service via your website.

Exclusion of Liability. You may have rights under consumer protection legislation that

applies to you, e.g. the Bangladesh Consumer Law, which cannot be excluded, limited or

modified by these terms.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, Visibility Fix, our directors, employees, consultants,

shareholders, agents and other representatives:

This exclusion of liability includes, but is not limited to, compensatory damages, direct loss,

consequential or indirect loss, loss of data, corruption of data, loss of programs, loss of

income, loss of profit, loss of anticipated savings, loss of use, loss of financial opportunity,

loss of business, loss of reputation, loss of property, damage to property and third party



Severability. If any of these terms offend any law applicable to it in a jurisdiction and is as

a consequence illegal, invalid or unenforceable in that jurisdiction then:


Jurisdiction. The laws of Bangladesh govern these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy, and

each party submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Bangladesh, Bangladesh.

Arbitration Clause. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of, relating to or in

connection with these terms, including any question regarding its existence, validity or

contravention, shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the ACICA Arbitration

Rules. The seat of arbitration shall be in Bangladesh. The language of the

arbitration shall be English. The number of arbitrators shall be one or three. 


Miscellaneous. If we fail to enforce your strict performance of any provision of these

Terms, it will not constitute a waiver of our right to subsequently enforce such provision or

any other provision of these Terms. If a provision of these Terms is void, invalid or

unenforceable, it is to be read down or severed to the extent necessary without affecting

the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions.


exclude liability for any loss, however, caused (including by negligence), relating to or

arising directly or indirectly from using or relying on any content on this website, and/or

from any inability to use the content, any delay in accessing this website or any inability

to access this website; and

exclude liability (including any liability for negligence) for any inaccuracy, unreliability,

lack of currency, incompleteness, unsuitability and/or unavailability of the content.

where the offending term can be read down so as to give it a valid and enforceable

operation of a partial nature it must be read down to the extent necessary to achieve

that result; and in any other case the offending term must be severed from the other terms for that jurisdiction in which event the remaining terms operate as if the severed term had not

been included.


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